Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Inspections
Indoor Air Quality is like drinking water. The air you breathe must be clean for toxins and contaminates the same way the water you drink must be. To that end Mold Authority will ensure that your environment is safe, healthy and optimal for you and your family. Air testing is one way we can identify any hazards including: Mold, Asbestos, Lead, Allergens, Bacteria, Dust, Pet Dander, MVO C’s, Carbon Monoxide and other contaminates that may be effecting your breathing environment. Whether, in your home, office or industrial setting trust Mold Authority to assist with your air quality needs.
So how can you improve the indoor air quality in your home?
First, have your occupied area being the home office or dwelling inspected and/or tested to determine which environmental hazard may be present so that a proper course of action can be taken. Typical courses of action include stopping or reducing exposure to what is causing the adverse health reactions. Mold Authority has been helping people with Air Quality issues for over 18 years and strive to provide A1 services. Our testing methods ensure that any issues present at the property will be discovered and a real solution will be provided in order to permanently correct the problems. Call us today at 646-600-MOLD to have one of our trained staff talk about giving you the peace of mind you deserve.
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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Inspections
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Inspections
Indoor Air Quality is like drinking water. The air you breathe must be clean for toxins and contaminates the same way the water you drink must be. To that end Mold Authority will ensure that your environment is safe, healthy and optimal for you and your family. Air testing is one way we can identify any hazards including: Mold, Asbestos, Lead, Allergens, Bacteria, Dust, Pet Dander, MVO C’s, Carbon Monoxide and other contaminates that may be effecting your breathing environment. Whether, in your home, office or industrial setting trust Mold Authority to assist with your air quality needs.
So how can you improve the indoor air quality in your home?
First, have your occupied area being the home office or dwelling inspected and/or tested to determine which environmental hazard may be present so that a proper course of action can be taken. Typical courses of action include stopping or reducing exposure to what is causing the adverse health reactions. Mold Authority has been helping people with Air Quality issues for over 18 years and strive to provide A1 services. Our testing methods ensure that any issues present at the property will be discovered and a real solution will be provided in order to permanently correct the problems. Call us today at 646-600-MOLD to have one of our trained staff talk about giving you the peace of mind you deserve.
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Is your family suffering from unexplained allergies or sickness. It could be from indoor mold.

Are your employees missing unnecessary amounts of work due to sickness?