Clearance Testing & Inspections
Clearance testing is critical in confirming that a mold, water damage, asbestos or other environmental remediation performed obtained the desired results, which is back to normal air quality conditions. Remediation, restoration and environmental firms that perform any type of corrective work must have their work independently cleared. This is for your protection as well as theirs. We come in with an independent stand to verify all the work goals were obtained and achieved.
For the companies performing remediation work, allow Mold Authority to provide clearance services which assists in providing your clients with the peace of mind they deserve. Call our office today for a free quote on any clearance engagement you may need.
Mold Authority Services and Service Area
In addition to mold and indoor air quality testing services, Mold Authority also provides the following services: Radon, Lead, Asbestos, VOC, Alergens and Bacteria, Water Damage, and Moisture Mapping. We serve multiple states including New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Florida. We also service other states for more extensive projects nationwide.
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Clearance Testing & Inspections
Clearance Testing & Inspections
Clearance testing is critical in confirming that a mold, water damage, asbestos or other environmental remediation performed obtained the desired results, which is back to normal air quality conditions. Remediation, restoration and environmental firms that perform any type of corrective work must have their work independently cleared. This is for your protection as well as theirs. We come in with an independent stand to verify all the work goals were obtained and achieved.
For the companies performing remediation work, allow Mold Authority to provide clearance services which assists in providing your clients with the peace of mind they deserve. Call our office today for a free quote on any clearance engagement you may need.
Mold Authority Services and Service Area
In addition to mold and indoor air quality testing services, Mold Authority also provides the following services: Radon, Lead, Asbestos, VOC, Alergens and Bacteria, Water Damage, and Moisture Mapping. We serve multiple states including New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Florida. We also service other states for more extensive projects nationwide.
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Is your family suffering from unexplained allergies or sickness. It could be from indoor mold.

Are your employees missing unnecessary amounts of work due to sickness?